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Cuckney CofE Primary School Dream, Believe, Achieve 'Nothing will be impossible with God' Luke 1:37


Welcome to Thoresby class!

We are so very excited to welcome you to Thoresby Class 2021-2022! We have a great year ahead and we are looking forward to seeing you and getting started.

Autumn Newsletter

Thoresby Class Updates

Forest School

Children must wear appropriate clothing. These sessions will run outside in all-weather so appropriate clothing is required (be prepared for these clothes to get muddy!)—waterproof coat, wellies/ boots, warm garden clothes, hats, scarves and gloves, long trousers and sleeves are needed.  

These sessions will encourage the children to explore the world around us and develop their outdoor and team working skills.

Children are to attend school in the morning wearing school uniform, their forest school attire in a labelled bag.

Spring and Summer Term - Monday 



Our PE day is Wednesday, please ensure PE kits are in school.


Trips and Events

Wednesday 9th March - Harry Potter Film night

Friday 11th March - Plant a tree for the Jubilee

Monday 14th March - Science week

Thursday 31st March - Egg Decorating Competition and Easter Egg raffle 

Thursday 31st - Easter Worship

Friday 1st April - KS2 production auditions 

Magna - Thursday 30th June  

A few things for you to note:


Equipment - Your child should not bring any equipment, such as stationery, to school with them. School will provide any stationary required. Keep your lovely pencil cases for home.

P.E kits – Our PE session is Thursday AM. We recommend PE kits are brought in on Monday and returned on Friday, ensuring children always have access to kit, if sessions change.

PE kit consists of:

  • white t-shirt
  • black shorts or joggers
  • trainers or plimsolls
  • jumper or hoodie.

Snack – The current system will remain in place – please send children with the correct change. No change given.

Timetable- Please see a copy of our general timetable. The topic sessions will vary on a week to week basis ensuring curriculum coverage. Our topic in September is Italy!  

We are extremely lucky to welcome Mrs Matthews back to Thoresby class in the morning and a few afternoons each week too. We also welcome Miss Parnill in the afternoons.

Curriculum - Our class will be using a cross-curricular approach and our main theme of this half term is Italy - We will be focusing on the geography of Italy as well as our shared history

Forest school - Our forest school adventure continues next year! These sessions will encourage the children to explore the world around them, develop their outdoor skills and build collaboration and confidence.

Please note these sessions will run outside in all-weather so please be ready with appropriate clothing (be prepared for these clothes to get muddy!)—waterproof coat, wellies/ boots, warm garden clothes, hats, scarves and gloves. We will begin our first sessions after October half term.


Homework– Thoresby class homework consists of

  • Daily reading (minimum 3 times weekly with an adult, but also solo reading)
  • Times table practice (Minimum 3 times a week, suggested TTRS)

Regular practice is essential for embedded the skills required therefore it is preferable to have short sessions regularly rather than longer sessions less often. Homework is not used as an assessment tool, so do not be afraid to help if they are unsure or stuck.

Reading books – Children will be given a AR reading book according to their accessed score. This is defined by the Star reading quiz results children complete half termly. We request daily reading and quality time spent discussing books with adults and others as this is vital for understanding.

Children may of course read additional free choice books, use their local library or their MyON login to access electronic books at home. Details of MyON/AR login will be sent home the first week back.

Reading is extremely important and we hope children will explore books, magazines, newspapers or reference books, anything they enjoy! The more children can read and discuss books the better their understanding and inference skills will develop.

Children’s reads will be noted in the home-school record and staff will record their total reads, working towards certificates as a celebration of their commitment.

