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Home Page

Cuckney CofE Primary School Dream, Believe, Achieve 'Nothing will be impossible with God' Luke 1:37

Whole School Letters

Sherwood parent letter - class organisation

Class arrangements for September 2024

Summer Fayre 2024

Photo Day June 2024

Staffing Changes for September 2024

Welbeck Tennis Letter

Arbor Third Parent Letter

Measles Parent Information Feb 2024

Arbor Parents App Letter 2024

Upcoming Events Spring 2024

Menu Changes Feb 2024

Uniform Reminder Letter 2024

Management information system update Jan 2024

Phonics outcomes 2023 - Super proud of our now year 2s!

Scarlet Fever information for parents UKHSA

Christmas Arrangements 2023

Christingle 2023

Notts Help Yourself

Mansfield: Alert After Market Chocolate Makes People Ill

Children in Need 2023

Flu Vaccinations Leaflet

School lunch update

Duck Race and CHANS letter

HAF Information Leaflet

Class Organisation September 2023

Reading Week Letter

Nursery Provision

Coronation celebration

Summer term Catering provision

Year 6 prom parent letter 2

Year 6 prom information

Science Week Letter

Congratulations, Miss Scrivener!

NEU strike information

Christmas Choir- Welbeck Abbey WI Family Service

Y3 & Y6 Swimming - Thursday 24th November

Consultation to offer younger pre school places

England v Iran, Mon 21st Nov

Children in Need and Remembrance Letter

After School Sports Club - Autumn 2022

Bank holiday letter to parents

Newsletter September 2022

Parent Letter Sept 2022

July update

Current Covid infections

Year 6 Leavers Chad letter

Class/ staffing organisation for Sept 2022

Family lunch letter

Newsletter May 2022

Potential Parent Support Group

Cricket Club letter, Summer Term 2022

Young Voices Cancellation

National Online Safety Parent Letter

Newsletter March 22

Football club update March 2022

Newsletter February 22
