- Global Orchard Gallery 8th July 2022
- Global Orchard Project 7th June 2022
- Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 27th May 2022
18/03/2020- School Closure due to Coronavirus (COVID 19)
Following the most recent Government guidance that all UK schools should close to the vast majority from Friday 20th March, please take time to have a look through the home learning packs sent home with your child today, along with other support materials that may be useful to help you to continue your child's learning during this unpredictable time.
You are not alone, we are here with you to give advice, comfort and to chat about next steps for your child while you are off. Just stay in touch with us over Tapestry so we can continue to help you.
Autumn 1 half term: A huge welcome to all of our new Foundation families who are new to our school as well as our Year 1 families who have been with us a year already, we cannot wait to get to know you!
During this first half term in Holbeck Class we are spending time getting to know each other and learning the class rules and routines as part of our first topic 'Superheroes'.
Within this topic there will be ample opportunities to listen & respond to stories about a whole host of superheroes (real and make-believe). F2 children will consolidate writing our own full names and label family members with their names, concentrate on numbers to 10, learn about the human body and find ways to express ourselves including our feelings. While 1 children will consolidate their phase 3 phonics knowledge from last year, revist writing sentences, labels and captions and will be looking at the place value of numbers to 50. Y1s will also have their first taste of science, geography and computing lessons.
In addition to this, our classroom and outdoor spaces are designed to be able to change and adapt to the children’s likes, needs & interests.
Our weekly baking sessions for our F2 children this half term will be largely based on using ingredients that keep our bodies healthy and make them strong (like superheroes), but towards the end of the half term, we will move onto using Harvest foods.
We will be learning about Autumn and noticing the changes happening around us and finding out about Harvest Festivals and why we celebrate them.
For anyone wanting to go one step further at home, you could try;
- a visit to Eureka Children's Science Museum https://www.eureka.org.uk/
- Ask your child to do a self-portrait using any medium they feel comfortable with and label parts of themselves using their understanding of letters and sounds
- Maybe your child would like to write a list of all their most favourite things they like about their favourite superhero
Children will be rewarded every morning for reading at home the evening before by moving their Owl up the Reading Tree located on one of the doors in Holbeck classroom. If they manage to get to the top of the tree by Friday, their owl will be put into a hat and if picked out, they’ll get the chance to choose a present bag to borrow for the week - happy reading. If you’re still finding your child reluctant to read, please come in & speak to us
Robot spelling cards will be given out to children to sight read the words on them. These will be read together with a child from KS2 and if your child reads all the words on the card without hesitation, they will be given the next Robot word card. These words are words that cannot be broken into sounds and therefore need to be learned by sight
Day-to-day class activities will be posted on our Twitter page, please access this as often as you'd like as we do send out messages using that platform - please contact Holbeck staff if you do not want your child's photos being used on Twitter or our website
Our class timetable and long term plan is attached to this class page, please consult at your leisure and seek a member of Holbeck staff if you have any questions or queries
Your child's online learning journal is accessible to you through Tapestry. Emails have already been sent out to all parents who have given school access to their email address, if you haven't got it, please contact Holbeck staff
A £5 contribution for baking is asked per half term, please give your contribution at the beginning of each half term to Holbeck staff
Please bring a fully named P.E. kit
Throughout the week we have various adults in Holbeck class who will be holding 'messy' activities including baking, mud kitchen & art workshops - please be aware that your child WILL be coming home messy, which is a sign of a great day full of learning opportunities
We will always thank-you for the support you give us, everything you do from attending parent induction meetings and reading with your child at home to contributing towards class trips and donating some of your time to help - without you, we cannot pave the way for our children to become the best they can be.
Autumn 2 half term: What a wonderful last half term we had, we have plans to make this half term just as fabulous!
During this half term Holbeck Class' topic is 'Celebrations'. Within this topic we will be focussing greatly on what other people believe, which leads us onto a lot of thinking about our school vision statement 'Dream, Believe, Achieve'.
This half term, F2 children will continue their learning in phonics with a greater emphasis on blending to read, concentrate on numbers to 12 and learn about how to express ourselves and solve problems including arguments. Y1s will be continuing their work with counting in 2s, 5s & 10s and working with numbers to 100 and beyond in maths, writing stories using our knowledge of the key aspects within stories (beginning, problem, resolution, ending) in English, looking into Jewish beliefs in RE, harnessing their gymnastics skills in PE and learning some research skills in history.
In addition to this, our classroom and outdoor spaces are designed to be able to change and adapt to the children’s likes, needs & interests.
Our weekly baking sessions for our F2 children this half term will be largely based on other cultures and beliefs.
For anyone wanting to go one step further at home, you could try;
- a visit to a local museum with a special emphasis on how we research things from the past (reading diaries, looking at photos)
- ask your child to write a 'calm list'; 5 ways we can keep calm when someone upsets us (take deep breaths, talk to a friend, etc)
- look into local gymnastics clubs as an after school option
Children will be rewarded every morning for reading at home the evening before by moving their Owl up the Reading Tree located on one of the doors in Holbeck classroom. If they manage to get to the top of the tree by Friday, their owl will be put into a hat and if picked out, they’ll get the chance to choose a present bag to borrow for the week - happy reading. If you’re still finding your child reluctant to read, please come in & speak to us
Robot spelling cards will be given out to YR children to sight read the words on them. These will be read together with a child from KS2 and if your child reads all the words on the card without hesitation, they will be given the next Robot word card. These words are words that cannot be broken into sounds and therefore need to be learned by sight. Y1 children will have Rocket spelling cards.
Day-to-day class activities will be posted on our Twitter page, please access this as often as you'd like as we do send out messages using that platform - please contact Holbeck staff if you do not want your child's photos being used on Twitter or our website
Our class timetable and long term plan is attached to this class page, please consult at your leisure and seek a member of Holbeck staff if you have any questions or queries
Your child's online learning journal is accessible to you through Tapestry. Emails have already been sent out to all parents who have given school access to their email address, if you haven't got it, please contact Holbeck staff
A £5 contribution for baking is asked per half term, please give your contribution at the beginning of each half term to Holbeck staff
Please bring a fully named P.E. kit
Throughout the week we have various adults in Holbeck class who will be holding 'messy' activities including baking, mud kitchen & art workshops - please be aware that your child WILL be coming home messy, which is a sign of a great day full of learning opportunities
We will always thank-you for the support you give us, everything you do from attending parent induction meetings and reading with your child at home to contributing towards class trips and donating some of your time to help - without you, we cannot pave the way for our children to become the best they can be.
Spring 1 half term: We are very proud to say that our first term in Holbeck has been a success with all children making new friends, negotiating through their problems together and challenging themselves in the tasks around the classroom, we have plans to make this half term even better!
During this half term Holbeck Class' topic is 'Around the World'. Within this topic we will be focussing on 2 other places that contrast our own country; the Arctic & Australia. We will be looking at the animals, places, climate, clothing, jobs and homes from these places and comparing them to ones in England.
We have two extra-curricular activities planned to bring these two places around the world to life; ice skating in January & some Australian artwork late February.
This half term, F2 children will continue their learning in phonics with a greater emphasis on blending to read, concentrate on numbers to 20 and beyond, continue our work on patterns and addition. Y1s will be continuing their work with counting in 2s, 5s & 10s, learning about weight, time & money in maths, consolidating letter formation in handwriting, writing simple and compound sentences in English, investigating materials in science and doing an artist study in art.
In addition to this, our classroom and outdoor spaces are designed to be able to change and adapt to the children’s likes, needs & interests.
Our weekly baking sessions for our F2 children this half term will be largely based on the Arctic and Australia for the most part.
For anyone wanting to go one step further at home, you could try;
- a visit to an art studio (Harley Gallery) and talk about art and the art that one particular artist has made - what their style is
- book tickets for https://www.derbytheatre.co.uk/shark-in-the-park
- look into local Rainbows and Beavers groups as an after school option to give the children more friendship options
Children will be rewarded every morning for reading at home the evening before by moving their Owl up the Reading Tree located on one of the doors in Holbeck classroom. If they manage to get to the top of the tree by Friday, their owl will be put into a hat and if picked out, they’ll get the chance to choose a present bag to borrow for the week - happy reading. If you’re still finding your child reluctant to read, please come in & speak to us
Robot spelling cards will be given out to YR children to sight read the words on them. These will be read together with a child from KS2 and if your child reads all the words on the card without hesitation, they will be given the next Robot word card. These words are words that cannot be broken into sounds and therefore need to be learned by sight. Y1 children will have Rocket spelling cards.
Day-to-day class activities will be posted on our Twitter page, please access this as often as you'd like as we do send out messages using that platform - please contact Holbeck staff if you do not want your child's photos being used on Twitter or our website
Our class timetable and long term plan is attached to this class page, please consult at your leisure and seek a member of Holbeck staff if you have any questions or queries
Your child's online learning journal is accessible to you through Tapestry. Emails have already been sent out to all parents who have given school access to their email address, if you haven't got it, please contact Holbeck staff
A £5 contribution for baking is asked per half term, please give your contribution at the beginning of each half term to Holbeck staff
Please bring a fully named P.E. kit
Throughout the week we have various adults in Holbeck class who will be holding 'messy' activities including baking, mud kitchen & art workshops - please be aware that your child WILL be coming home messy, which is a sign of a great day full of learning opportunities
We will always thank-you for the support you give us, everything you do from attending parent induction meetings and reading with your child at home to contributing towards class trips and donating some of your time to help - without you, we cannot pave the way for our children to become the best they can be.
Spring 2 half term: Can you believe that we are half way through our year?! We are enjoying planning exciting learning opportunities for your child - we love to see their little faces and see how much they enjoy trying new things and this half term is no exception.
During this half term Holbeck Class' topic is based on the author 'Julia Donaldson'. Within this topic we will be focussing on various texts Donaldson has written including Room on the Broom, Zog & Superworm (my favourite!). We will be looking at the minibeasts as well as animals in their habitats as this fits well with these animal-themed texts. Perhaps your child already enjoys some of Donaldson's stories - if so, maybe they could bring them in to share with the whole class in our story time?
This half term, F2 children will continue their blending work in phonics as well as segmenting phonics in order to spell in writing as well as working on their 2D shape recall and understanding of halving and doubling. Y1s will be continuing their work on alternative sounds in phase 6 phonics ('g' that sounds like 'j' as in 'giant' & 'magic' etc), applying their handwriting skills in their English books as well as handwriting books, learning about the properties of 2D & 3D shapes, using multiplication & division to solve problems and finding halves and quarters of shapes and amounts in maths, evaluating the moving parts in flap books and making their own moving picture in DT and learning all about Easter in RE.
This half term we have a trip to the local art gallery planned for this half term to strengthen our links with our local community. The Harley Gallery has a Lego exhibition on during the next couple of months and we will be going to explore this with the help of the Education Officer; Dayle. EXCITING!
In addition to this, our classroom and outdoor spaces are designed to be able to change and adapt to the children’s likes, needs & interests.
Our weekly baking sessions for our F2 children this half term will be on a Wednesday morning.
For anyone wanting to go one step further at home, you could try;
- Research the author Julia Donaldson by safely using the internet - have you read any of her books? When is her birthday? Where does she live - can you find her city on Google Maps?
- book tickets for https://www.theatreroyal.org/shows/room-on-the-broom/
- Go on a material hunt to spot how the same material (wood/plastic/metal/etc) can be used to make many different things
We appreciate the support you give us in helping your children to become the best they can be.