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Cuckney CofE Primary School Dream, Believe, Achieve 'Nothing will be impossible with God' Luke 1:37


Sherwood Class Water Challenge!💦

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Home Learning for Summer Term 2

Hi to all of my Super Sherwood Mummys, Daddys and little lovelies! Hope you've all had a wonderful half term and made the most of spending time together and enjoying this lovely sunny weather! 


Firstly, if you have contacted me during half term, I will be responding to all emails and returning all work on Monday 1st June. Thank you for keeping me up to date with what you've been doing. 


Welcome to another new term of distance learning- Summer term 2!

Below you will find overviews for our new learning which will be uploaded in 2-week themed blocks. In this section you will also find resources which will be used regularly each week such as the KS1 Handwriting Booklet, Handwriting Pangrams for assessing handwriting progress and the Dough Disco PowerPoint (as well as a recipe for making your own playdough). Dough Disco helps to build up the hand muscles, preparing the children for writing. The PowerPoint will move through automatically and the song plays in the background. If you cannot open this I have uploaded the same PowerPoint as a PDF version which you will need to move through yourself (approx 1 min per slide), you will also need to play your own music (we use 'Happy' by Pharrelll Williams).


You can also access any of the supporting resources that are not linked directly in the overview plan by clicking on the relevant week below (coloured crayons). 

The first theme for week 1 and 2 is SUPERHEROES! 


Alongside the tasks I've set, I would also love to see what other exciting and creative activities you can think of to do with each theme (for example, this week you might want to dress up in your own superhero costume and send me a picture in your best superhero pose OR you might find some cool superhero themed baking to do with family) The options are endless! Throughout the week I also endeavour to post additional (extra curricular) activity ideas that I find that links to each theme. 


Please note this first block of planning is a full school day timetable of lessons, planned initially to use for the children returning to school (however this is now not the case), so please take from this however much or little as you like and remember that all activities are completely optional! The overviews will take a simpler form moving forward. 


I would also like to remind you all that I am available to contact via email at ANY time for ANY reason. If your child is finding the work too difficult or perhaps would like more challenge please do let me know so that I can provide additional activities to support you and your child. If you are not sure of how to do something, drop me an email and I will try to respond as swiftly as possible. Please do feel free to continue to send any completed work for me to mark and return to you (please allow me a 24 hour turn around as I can sometimes receive over 50 pieces of work in a day!)


Friday challenges will continue to run as they did before half term from Friday 5th June.


Best wishes, 

Miss Worboys laugh


Continuing Home Learning- Summer Term:


Hi to all of my Sherwood Superstars! I hope you and your families are keeping safe and well. I am missing you all loads!


With the school closure remaining in place as we enter into the summer term, please find additional resources and ideas below to support your child's learning. You will find new home learning grids for maths, reading and writing, plus an additional home learning booklet for maths and English. Alongside this there is a 'practical ideas' booklet that you may pick and choose from. I would like to encourage the children to continue to follow the guidance in the original 'Home Learning Pack Info' (find below)  An important addition for the summer term is the link to the 'BBC Bitesize' daily lessons which will be available for all core subjects weekdays on BBC iPlayer and the red button at 9am, beginning Monday 20th April. Also, 'White Rose Maths'  have partnered with the BBC Bitesize Daily team to provide additional learning videos and activities/worksheets that run in line with the BBC daily lessons (see link below). You may also find it useful to look at the White Rose Maths 12 week summer term plan (find document below) for ideas of maths areas to work on with your child over the coming weeks. Please try to complete as many of the original activities in your home learning packs first and then use the new grid, additional activities, worksheets, ideas and links added to this website as your first point of call to support your child's learning. if you require any additional activities or ideas, please don't hesitate to contact me AT ANY TIME. Please continue to encourage your child to partake in daily reading, times table and spelling practise if possible (see below for how you can use 'score submission' to help me track your child's progress in these areas and provide support if necessary.


Remember, the most important thing to us is that you are first and foremost looking after the health and well being of yourselves, your children and your family, so please remember that all work set is completely optional! Please discover, explore and play in any way you would like. Share laughter, love, calmness and strength. No children are ahead, no children are behind, your children are exactly where they need to be!


As before, please keep in touch via Twitter, via email or through the 'Contact Me' section below, with any completed work, photos of what you are up to, any questions/queries or to request additional activities or ideas. I am happy to virtually mark and return any children's work sent to me. To do this please send a clear photograph or scanned copy of their work with the comment 'to mark' so that I can digitally mark and add comments/next steps before returning it to you via email. This will also enable me to provide additional, tailored work to suit your child's needs if required. If there is anything your child is finding particularly tricky (or especially enjoying!) and you would like some extra activities, please get in touch so I can provide you with additional work for them.  


I will continue to add photographs of what you have been up to and any work sent to the slideshow at the top of our class web page, so please check out what all of your friends are doing too!


Stay safe, 

Miss Worboys x


Virtual weekly spellings, times tables and Big Maths challenges


During the summer term distance learning, I would like to actively encourage all of my Sherwood Superstars to participate in weekly challenges for spelling, times tables and Big Maths Beat That each Friday as we would usually do in class. I would really appreciate it if you could encourage your child to join in with this, as a bare minimum to the academic activities they do whilst not in school.


For information on how our virtual weekly challenges will run, click the below links, which provides all of the instructions and resources that you will need. The important part is to ensure that you submit your child's results each Friday using the links below so that I can reward them with certificates and special messages! Thank you and good luck to all of my little lovelies! yes

Useful Websites/ Links BBC Bitesize Daily lessons to begin Monday 20th April. Please select the appropriate year group for your child (Year 1 or Year 2) and you will be able to access daily lessons for English, Maths and one additional subject. White Rose Maths for Year 1- Maths learning videos with matching activities/ worksheets. Use the activities on the 'Summer Term' tab. (From week 3, these match the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons). White Rose Maths for Year 2- Maths learning videos with matching activities/ worksheets. Use the activities on the 'Summer Term' tab. (From week 3, these match the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons). This website has been shared with me by a parent and looks great. It has lots of online lessons for different subjects that meet the National Curriculum objectives for each year group. Also shared with me by another parent. This maths website is created by Carol Vorderman and is fantastic! Also it is now FREE during the school closure period. Children can earn certificates for completing different activities. (username: march20 password: home) (sign up for free using code: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS) (Mr T Phonics- especially Geraldine the Giraffe) (set up a free account to access free e-books with optional audio playback)

Contact Miss Worboys

During this period of uncertainty, please keep in touch. You can contact me about anything at any time, no matter how small..

Welcome to Sherwood class!

Please follow us on Twitter: 

for regular updates, information and to see the exciting things we do!


Spring Half Term 2


For the full spring term, our topic in Sherwood class is going to be 'Journeys'. We particularly enjoyed our work on famous explorers in our first half term and also our trip to Eureka! I hope the children are looking forward to some more exciting activities during the second half of the topic, including a trip to Crich Tramway Village. 


In English we are going to be writing recounts about journeys, including letters and diary entries. We are also going to explore and write poems all based on the theme of journeys. We will end the term by writing our own information texts about Kenya, linked to our Geography work, and publish these on a ‘two page spread’.


In maths we are going to be covering geometry and fractions. We will learn about both 2D and 3D shapes, including naming, recognising and describing them. We will also learn all about symmetry. We will begin our fractions work by looking at finding fractions of shapes, moving onto finding fractions of amounts when we are confident. We will learn how to recognise, find and write fractions including ½, ¼, 2/4 and 1/3.


In science we will be learning all about plants this half term. As spring approaches, we will observe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants and find out what plants need to survive. We will also be identifying and describing the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants and trees.


In PE we will be doing circuit training. Our sessions will build overall fitness through fun activities based on different skills.


In history we will learn about the development of travel and transport, focusing on early travel methods of the Vikings, through to the invention of cars, trains and aeroplanes.


In geography we will go on our own safari journey to Kenya. We will use our map skills to locate Kenya and will have fun researching the country including learning about the people, wildlife and landscapes. Then we will use what we have learnt to compare Kenya to the UK. 


We will continue to follow 'Jigsaw' for our PSHE work. This half term we will be focusing on 'Healthy Me'. We will look at self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices and road safety.


For our Art and DT work we will be designing, making and evaluating our own boats that will float across the water, linked to our history work on transport. We will also be looking at cooking and nutrition by making a healthy packed lunch to take on a journey. This will be linked to our Jigsaw work on keeping ourselves healthy.


In music we will listen and respond to music representing the Titanic journey and recreate for a journey of our own using instruments and sound effects.


In computing we will be focusing on collecting, analysing and evaluating data including creating graphs, charts and tables, inputting data into a database and using navigational tools. This learning will also help us to recap and practise our fundamental computer skills. 

Spring Half Term 1


For the full spring term, our topic in Sherwood class is going to be 'Journeys'. We have lots of exciting things planned for the first half of the term, including a visit to Eureka! The National Children's Science Museum.


In English we will be focusing on stories about Journeys by Oliver Jeffers, building up to writing our own quest stories. We will also be writing instructions and setting descriptions. Then we will learn about stories from the African culture such as Handa's surprise.  We will be using drama to help us with our writing.


In maths we are going to be covering division, place value to 100, statistics and measurement (length and height). The children will learn about sharing and grouping to divide by 2, 5 and 10. They will also recap even and odd numbers. The children will continue to practise partitioning numbers into tens and ones, they will compare and order numbers up to 100 and be able to find 1 more and less. The children will begin work on drawing and interpreting tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, and will measure, compare and order different lengths and heights in both non-standard and standard measures such as cm and m.


In science we will be learning all about the human body and linking this to each of our five senses; touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. The children will look at the human life cycle, naming and labelling the body parts, the basic needs for survival in animals and humans, and the importance of eating the right amounts of different food types.


In PE we will be covering dance. The children will learn simple movements and link these to form a dance routine. They will practise and refine their class routine ready to perform to an audience at the end of the unit. During our dance work, we will look at technique and skill as well as musicality, keeping in time with others and working on canon and unison movements. 


In history the children will be learning about famous explorers who have made significant journeys. We will cover Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, Tim Peake and Captain Scott.


In geography we will go on our own safari journey to Kenya. We will use our map skills to locate Kenya and will have fun researching the country; comparing it to the UK. 


We will continue to follow 'Jigsaw' for our PSHE work. This half term we will be focusing on dreams and goals. We will look at achieving goals, perserverance,  learning strengths, learning with others, group co-operation and sharing success.


For our Art and DT work, we will begin by creating an Africian animal sunset silhouette art piece for our class display. This will require is to work on colour mixing, placement and careful cutting. We will continue the African theme by looking at elephants and lions and creating a variety of different art work and models based around these animals. We will make collages, masks, 3D models and even design and build our own animal shelters. 


In music we will focus on using our voices and bodies to make different sounds and build towards playing and performing with untuned instruments. We will use the music 'Carnival of the Animals' throughout our music lessons this half term.


In computing we are going to learn about how to keep ourselves safe online through our e-safety lessons. We will look at different uses of technology, what is reliable/unreliable, how to keep our personal information safe, and identify safe adults to trust with online worries. 

Autumn Term

We are starting the year with a topic all about Sherwood! We will be learning about our class, our school, Sherwood Forest and Robin Hood. We will learn about the plants and animals that are in our local environment and we will use some of the plants in our art work. Our maths this term will be focusing on understanding place value and using this knowledge to solve addition and subtraction problems.


Homework will be sent home every week in your child's homework book. The task help your child to consolidate their learning each week. Please help them to complete the task in their homework book by Friday when a new homework task will be given. 


Spellings are tested on a Wednesday afternoon with children being paired up with a spelling 'buddy' from Thoresby Class to do them and children are moved onto the next list once they are able to spell all words correctly (including forming letters correctly). Times tables are tested on a Friday. You can help your child by practising a few of these, along with a few pages of their reading book each night. Children will be rewarded at the end of the week if they have read at least three times during the week.


PE will be on a Monday but please leave your PE kits in school all week as this may change to accommodate other things happening during the week.


Please ensure your child brings their book bag with their reading book and reading diary and a water bottle to school everyday. Please also ensure that your child does not bring any valuables.
