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Cuckney CofE Primary School Dream, Believe, Achieve 'Nothing will be impossible with God' Luke 1:37


Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

Instrument of Government 


The Governing Body is made up of the following types of Governors -

Co-opted x 3

Foundation x 3

Staff x 1

local Authority x 1

Parent x 3

Head Teacher x 1


 Current Term BeganCurrent Term EndsTypeArea of Responsibility

Declaration of Business Interests

as 01/09/2022

Mrs Margaret Lovell  (Chair)06/06/202005/06/2024Local AuthorityHead Teacher appraisal, Safer Recruitment, Curriculum, SEAL/PSHE Sex and Drugs Education, Child Protection & Safeguarding, gifted & talented, chair of 'the committee', & EVC governor.Governor at Manor Academy
Rev Dave Gough (Vice Chair)13/09/2017NA



Head Teacher appraisal, assessment, writing, KS1 improvement priorityFoundation governor at St Anne's CE Primary school
Mrs Claire Bishop13/07/202212/07/2026







Rev Nigel Stones


Mrs Lisa Crossland25/05/2011NAHeadteacher  
Mrs Patricia Kay27/02/202426/02/2028Co-opted  
Mrs Rachel Spink30/11/202229/11/2026ParentSEND, Head Teacher appraisal 
Vacancy  Parent 




Mrs Melanie Johnson06/06/202205/06/2026ParentEYFS 
Mr Daniel Waterhouse07/03/202306/03/2027Co-opted  
Mrs Natalie Lynam19/07/202318/07/2027Co-opted  
Mr Benjamin Haynes-Greenwood24/01/202223/01/2026Staff  
Louise Baxendale  Clerk  


The table below gives details of governor posts expired over the last 3 years
NameType of GovernorDate AppointedDate stepped down
Mrs Emma AmblerParent28/05/202130/01/2024
Mrs Beverley PlumbCo opted08/10/201907/10/2023
Mrs Caroline NewtonCo opted18/06/201917/06/2023
Mrs Kate ColemanStaff Governor08/10/201924/01/2022
Mr Nigel ShawCo opted05/03/201913/01/2022
Rev Richard HanfordFoundation10/08/201831/07/2021
Mrs Alison Swan-ParenteAssociate14/04/201713/04/2021


Governor Attendance 23 - 24

Governor Attendance 22 - 23

Goveror Attendance 21 - 22

Governor Attendance 20 - 21

Governor Attendance 19 - 20

Governor Attendance 18-19
