- Global Orchard Gallery 8th July 2022
- Global Orchard Project 7th June 2022
- Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 27th May 2022
We are super exited to welcome you all to Holbeck class for 2020-2021. We cannot wait to see you all and for some of you this is the first step for your children in their educational career - HOW EXCITING!!!
Just a few things for you get know...
Equipment - Pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers and crayons are all supplied at school, so no need to send any pencil cases in. Your child has their own named peg and tray, these are where your child can hang their coat & bag and put their books and letters to go home. Please ensure you only send 1 bag in with your child. This should contain their PE kit, water bottle & packed lunch if they are not having a school dinner.
P.E. kits – Please simply supply a white top, black shorts & joggers for the colder whether and black plimsolls. Our PE sessions will be held outside and so if you wish to put a hoodie in then that's fine.
Reading books – Children will be supplied with a reading books each week on Mondays. We ask that these books are not brought back into school until the following Monday, where staff will take them out of the children's bags and be given a new one to take home for the week. Reading is SUPER IMPORTANT, we ask that parents and carers try to read with their child 4 times a week. Please write in your child's reading diary when they have read and we will move their reading owl up the reading tree. If by Friday your child has got their owl to the top of the tree (read 4 times in the week) then their owl will go into a hat to have a chance of being selected for a prize to borrow for the weekend. If your child get this prize, please remember to send it back into school on Monday so we can sanitise and redistribute the following week.
Playtimes - Playtimes will be in our pirate ship playground. No need to send any money or snack in as school provide fruit for your child. If you would like your child to have milk, please register on the CoolMilk site.
Timetable - Please find attached a copy of our class timetable. The topic sessions will vary on a week to week basis to cover the whole curriculum.
Curriculum - Our class runs on a cross-curricular approach and topic for this half term is Superheroes! This topic will be delivered through English lessons as well as foundation subjects. We will be using cameras in computing to make superhero poses, making superhero movement and shape in PE & thinking about what makes us all super in PSHE. Please look at the Long Term Plan attached for more information.
Homework – Homework in our class will be heavily phonics and writing based. We will provide homework for the children each Friday. To prevent the children from bringing anything in from home that is not necessary, we would ask that once the homework is complete, please photograph and upload onto Tapestry for us to see. This way we know that what they children still need help with and what they need to move onto next. As well as this, we will be sending home board games to borrow for the weekend to our foundation children. These games really help the children counting skills, patience, turn-taking and they also learn to lose...a very difficult thing to learn for some. Please return on the Monday so we can sanitise and redistribute.
Links with home – Our main link with you during this difficult period where we cannot invite parents into the school grounds is Tapestry. Please be vigilant and look at your child's Tapestry account regularly. It helps to know what they are doing at school so you can hold much more detailed conversations with them resulting in the children's speech and vocabulary growing much more rapidly. Also, please remember that I am always available over email and can take phone calls during lunchtime.
We are going to have the BEST TIME this year, we cannot wait to get started! Looking forward to seeing the children. X