- Global Orchard Gallery 8th July 2022
- Global Orchard Project 7th June 2022
- Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 27th May 2022
This week in Langwith class we have been focusing on writing a new adventure story about Max the hedgehog. The children have tried very hard and have been thinking about how they can include some dialogue in their stories.
During our maths sessions we have continued to look at place value with 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers and completed column addition sums with 2 and 3 digit numbers. The children are all fantastic mathematicians, so I am looking forward to seeing what progress we can make this year.
Our science lesson this week involved looking at what colours show up in the dark and talking about reflective materials.
On Thursday we imagined that we were living in the time of the Old and Middle Stone Ages and that we were hunter gatherers. We went on a walk in the woods and around the school grounds to see what we could hunt and gather. The children enjoyed using I-Pads to take photos of what we found.
We have also completed some PSHE work this week on our school community and some D&T work on making simple springs.
As always a very busy week!
Well done to all those children who sent me pictures of manmade light sources.
Please remember it is our trip on Wednesday. You should all have a letter about what is needed.
Have a good weekend. Mrs. A.
Class Letters
Term Work Plan
Class Timetable