- Global Orchard Gallery 8th July 2022
- Global Orchard Project 7th June 2022
- Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 27th May 2022
Maths Homework
Last week the children were introduced to the 'column method' for addition and subtraction.
I would like all children to have a go at the addition and subtraction questions using the column method. These questions do not require the children to regroup or exchange and should be quite straight forward for the children to attempt independently.
Some children, particularly the year 1 children, may benefit from drawing pictures to help them add or subtract (i.e. for 4 + 5, the children can draw 4 dots, then 5 dots, then count the total. Or for 9 - 3, they can draw 9 dots and cross out 3, then count how many are left).
English Homework
Last week the children began work on using inverted commas (these are sometimes known as speech marks).
In class the children practised turning character's speech bubbles into full sentences using inverted commas (speech marks) to punctuate these.
The activity I would like them to complete for homework mirrors this task that they have done in class. There is a short parent explanation on page 1 and an example on page 2. I have also attached the PowerPoint we used in class, to use as a recap if required.
Year 2 children may wish to add more detail to their reporting clause like in the example on the sheet.
For year 1 children I am only expecting the speech with who said it at the end e.g. "To infinity and beyond!" shouted Buzz Lightyear.
Don't forget to use capital letters at the start of your sentence and for names of people!