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Cuckney CofE Primary School Dream, Believe, Achieve 'Nothing will be impossible with God' Luke 1:37


Welcome to Thoresby Class!

Please follow us on Twitter: 

for regular updates, information and to see the exciting things we get up to!

Summer Term 2 Home Learning


As lock down continues so does home learning, the learning provided will support your child’s education and ensure they are ready when we are safely allowed to return to school.

Below is a possible timetable, but please continue doing what is working for your child. If completing all the English in one day is what works then great, if your child wants to finish all the maths first before starting the English then do that. I can’t stress enough do what works for you! 



Learn a Song At home Project 

‘Kids at home singing project’  - an exciting project for your child to be involved in whilst at home. Here’s the FREE download link to the video ( ). Encourage your child to learn the song. When we return, the children will sing the song together. Have fun!

Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham RE Support

We are a class of Year 4 and 5 children. Our teacher is Miss Scrivener and our teaching assistants are Miss Challands (AM) and Mrs Matthews (PM). You can find us upstairs in the main building. Please see our 'Welcome to Thoresby' letter and our class timetable on this page for more information about the day to day running of our class.


Our P.E. days for this half term will be Tuesday (PM), however these occasionally change, so please ensure that your child has weather-appropriate PE kits in school all week. Don't forget to label all items- even shoes!


Our class page will be updated with new topic information, important documents, letters, homework and photos, so make sure you check it regularly!

Autumn Term

Topic: Marvelous Me, Wonderful World

Spring Term

Topic: Road Trip USA


Summer Term

Topic: Olympics

Big Maths Beat That Song (60 Second Timer)

Big Maths Beat That Song (100 Second Timer)
