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Cuckney CofE Primary School Dream, Believe, Achieve 'Nothing will be impossible with God' Luke 1:37


                                            Welcome to Langwith Class 2024-25!

Our class is made up of 33 year 3,4 and 5 children. 

Please see the work web below to learn what work your children will be doing this term and to see the class timetable.

Our P.E. day will be on Friday, so please provide full outdoor PE kit on this day - This term we will be working on the skills associated with Hockey and Gymnastics.

We will be swimming on a Thursday. The first session will be on Thursday 19th September 2024. A letter will follow with more details shortly.

Homework - The children will have their individual spellings to learn each week and will be tested on a Monday. The children will also be set homework on a Friday and this needs to be completed by Wednesday. It is usually a piece of Literacy, Numeracy or Topic work.

Reading Diaries will be checked on Mondays so please have your reading diaries in school on this day.

Times Tables will be tested every 2 weeks on Fridays.

Fruit is no longer provided at break times, so if you want your child to have a snack, please send them with the correct money to purchase this from the kitchen. Please remember that you now need to pay for school dinners on the school system. 

This year children can earn a house point for each smiley they are awarded,Their house point teams are the same as their sports day teams.

This year we are very lucky to have as part of the Langwith team, Miss Tindall. 

If you need to speak to me about anything please feel free to approach me on the playground or contact me at

Mrs Armstrong


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Contact Langwith class staff
